Faculty Mentoring and Evaluation

Using an equity lens, we have examined faculty mentoring and evaluation procedures and practices. This has resulted in a bold restructuring of faculty mentoring to address inequities. Examples include:

  • All academic units and divisions have a plan for systematically onboarding and mentoring faculty members tailored to each person’s position, preferences, and needs. The mentoring framework used in IANR is found here.
  • Expectations for contributions to environments where every person and every interaction matters are written into faculty and administrator position descriptions. Faculty members are able to document the contributions and accomplishments in this area for both annual evaluation and promotion and/or tenure evaluation. These contributions are acknowledged by those conducting evaluations.
  • Unit administrators and members of promotion and tenure committees are regularly trained on inclusive excellence in faculty evaluation.
  • For reappointment, administrators are expected to demonstrate accomplishments related to culture and climate and inclusive excellence.