Liana Calegare, Ph.D.

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Liana Calegare, Ph.D.

Global Programs Manager: Faculty, Research & Capacity Building, Agricultural Research Division Agricultural Research Division University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Lincoln NE 68583-0704
402-472-5910 On-campus 2-5910

In her role, Liana identifies opportunities for international collaboration through research, extension, and capacity building efforts and provides support for the formation of transdisciplinary teams to prepare project proposals. She spearheads efforts to develop, implement, and coordinate federal funded capacity building programs, such as USDA-FAS Scientific Exchanges, Borlaug Fellowship, and Cochran Programs. She leverages partnerships with Global Centers of Excellence in Agriculture and National and Global Network and oversees the agreements with the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and Fulbright-Brazil. Additionally, she assists and coordinates visits of international delegations, with focus on connecting IANR faculty to visiting scientists in their area of interest. Last, she administers the International Impact Awards: FAPESP SPRINT, seed grants to implement and/or strengthen international collaborations, and travel awards.

 Liana started at UNL in January 2012 as the Liaison of Brazil Scientific Mobility Program for the College of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources, creating the original processes and programming for the inaugural cohort, as well as continued program management, advising and support for over 250 more Brazilian students over the next several years. Previously, she worked as a research scholar at the USDA Agricultural Research Service Meat and Animal Research Center (U.S. MARC) in the Nutrition Research Unit.

She holds a B.S. in veterinary medicine from the State University of Londrina (Brazil), and received both her M.S. and Ph.D. in animal science from the University of São Paulo/ESALQ (Brazil). She is a native Portuguese speaker.

Contact Liana about:

  • USAID, USDA/FAS, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), and other funding resources
  • Agricultural research and global collaborations
  • Serving as a mentor for visiting scholars/fellows with international capacity building programs 
  • International Impact Awards - research and travel grants 

Contact Liana