Azzeddine Azzam

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Azzeddine Azzam

Roy Frederick Professor of Agricultural Economics Agricultural Economics University of Nebraska-Lincoln


FYH 103E
Lincoln NE 68583-0922
402-472-5326 On-campus 2-5326
Azzeddine Azzam is Roy and Judith Frederick professor of agricultural economics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA. His primary research areas are empirical industrial organization and agricultural policy analysis. His industrial organization work examined competitive issues in the US beef supply chain; issues such as oligopsony power, captive supplies, price transmission asymmetry, mandatory price reporting, COVID-19 and beef price spreads, and restructuring U.S. meatpacking for resilience against capacity disruptions. His policy analysis at the state level examined the impact of the Livestock Friendly Country Program and Initiative 300 in Nebraska on the state’s cattle industry. At the federal level, he examined the impact of biofuel policy on US grain and livestock markets, and the effect of subsidized crop insurance on entry and exit of grain farms. He collaborated on several international research projects on agricultural and food economic issues in Morocco, Sweden, and the United Arab Emirates.<br>Azzam taught applied microeconomics as a Teaching Fellow at Harvard University, empirical industrial organization as a Fulbright Scholar at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and applied welfare analysis for public policy at the University Mohammed VI Polytechnique in Morocco. He served as senior economic advisor at the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry and as chair of the economics department at the University of Dubai, where he also taught undergraduate microeconomics and MBA managerial economics. <br> <br>He is a lifetime research fellow of the Economic Research Forum, a member of Phi Beta Delta, the Honor Society of International Scholars; and the recipient of the University of Nebraska 2008 Excellence in Graduate Education Award for Outstanding Contributions to Graduate Education.<br><br>He is founder and past director of CAFIO: Center of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization, founder and editor of JAFIO: Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization, and founder and managing editor of RURALS: Review of Undergraduate Research in Agricultural and Life Sciences. He served as associate editor of the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Western Journal of Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness: An International Journal, and Middle East Development Journal.


  • Ph D, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1985