All Postdoctoral Associates and Fellows are expected to have an approved Individual Development Plan (IDP) within the first three months of their first day as a postdoc. For annual evaluation, postdocs in IANR are required to submit the following:
- Updated Individual Development Plan (IDP)
- Updated CV
- Mentoring Map
All materials are to be submitted directly to the mentor/PI by January 15.
The initial Postdoctoral Associate Individual Development Plan must be completed within three months of the start of your postdoctoral fellowship.
The Annual Update to the IDP must be completed every year of your postdoctoral fellowship on January 15.
Postdoctoral Associate Annual Evaluation & Assessment must be completed annually by the Sponsor/Mentor.
Individual Development Plan
The IDP is designed to facilitate reflection on and documentation of your accomplishments, goals, and your plans to achieve your goals. It will also help you anticipate challenges. The annual update to your IDP will facilitate reflection on your postdoctoral fellowship and documentation of your accomplishments and impacts enroute to achieving your goals. The IDP also facilitates communication with and coaching from your sponsor/mentor.
The initial IDP must be completed within three months of the start of your postdoctoral fellowship. Do the following:
- Complete the IDP using the following template.
- Schedule a meeting with your sponsor/mentor to review the IDP.
- Share the completed IDP with your sponsor/mentor in advance of the meeting.
For annual review, do the following:
- Complete the Annual Update to the IDP template (see above), update your CV and Mentoring Map and give these to your sponsor/mentor by January 15.
- Schedule a meeting with your sponsor/mentor to review the annual update to the IDP.