Globally-Focused IANR Staff

Patricia Manga

Patricia Manga

Global Experiences Program Coordinator, CASNR (temporary)

College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Global Experiences Office

IANR’s global engagement activity spans the Institute, and is powered by activity in academic units and centers. Explore the exciting work being done across research, education and engagement:

Liana Calegare

Liana Calegare, Ph.D. 

Global Programs Manager: Faculty, Research & Capacity Building, Agricultural Research Division

In her role, Liana identifies opportunities for international collaboration through research, extension, and capacity building efforts and provides support for the formation of transdisciplinary teams to prepare project proposals. She spearheads efforts to develop, implement, and coordinate federal funded capacity building programs, such as USDA-FAS Scientific Exchanges, Borlaug Fellowship, and Cochran Programs. She leverages partnerships with Global Centers of Excellence in Agriculture and National and Global Network and oversees the agreements with the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and Fulbright-Brazil. Additionally, she assists and coordinates visits of international delegations, with focus on connecting IANR faculty to visiting scientists in their area of interest. Last, she administers the International Impact Awards: FAPESP SPRINT, seed grants to implement and/or strengthen international collaborations, and travel awards.

 Liana started at UNL in January 2012 as the Liaison of Brazil Scientific Mobility Program for the College of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources, creating the original processes and programming for the inaugural cohort, as well as continued program management, advising and support for over 250 more Brazilian students over the next several years. Previously, she worked as a research scholar at the USDA Agricultural Research Service Meat and Animal Research Center (U.S. MARC) in the Nutrition Research Unit.

She holds a B.S. in veterinary medicine from the State University of Londrina (Brazil), and received both her M.S. and Ph.D. in animal science from the University of São Paulo/ESALQ (Brazil). She is a native Portuguese speaker.

Contact Liana about:

  • USAID, USDA/FAS, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), and other funding resources
  • Agricultural research and global collaborations
  • Serving as a mentor for visiting scholars/fellows with international capacity building programs 
  • International Impact Awards - research and travel grants 

Contact Liana

Brianne Wolf

Brianne Wolf, M.S. 

Coordinator, Global Learning & Engagement Strategies, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources & Agricultural Research Division

Brianne works to connect, collaborate and communicate in the sphere of the Institute's global engagement. She works closely with Liana and the ARD team to support efforts in global research, extension and capacity building, while also leading the effort to help CASNR students go global through their coursework, on-campus experiences, and virtual and physical exchange. Additionally, she collaborates with the broader IANR/university community and external partners to develop and advance global initiatives. 

Hailing from rural Nebraska, Brianne brings both local knowledge and an international lens to the team. Prior to joining IANR, Brianne worked for Spain's Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (in the La Rioja locality) for three years in addition to traveling to over 35 countries across Europe and the MENA region. Her U.S. professional experience includes new venture development with an environmental nonprofit, and doing social media, writing, and strategy work for several companies in the Lincoln/Omaha area. She now brings a different regional focus and capability to the team being based in Mexico City, a bustling hub for engagement in Latin America.

Brianne holds two degrees from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, a Bachelor of Journalism degree in public relations and advertising, and a Master of Science in natural resource sciences with a focus on human dimensions and global One Health. She speaks Spanish and is working on French and Arabic.

Contact Brianne about:

  • Global experiential learning, coursework, and on/off-campus activities that develop global competencies 
  • Global professional development opportunities or career discussion 
  • Sharing about your international activity (as a faculty, staff or student)
  • Specific country inquiries of IANR faculty/staff engagement and connections
  • Interest in or work related to the Sustainable Development Goals (as a student, staff or faculty), joining the SDG Scholars Program or earning related badges
  • Enrolling yourself or a student you work with in the non-credit AGRI 42 

Contact Brianne

Sylvana Airan

Patricia "Trish" Manga, M.A. 

Global Experiences Coordinator for the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Office of Global Experiences

Trish is a Global Experiences Coordinator and the temporary liaison to the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. She is also the coordinator for the College of Engineering, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice. She initially joined the Global Experiences team in September 2022 as an intern. Trish brings prior IANR global experience after having worked with Liana and Brianne in 2022 as a program assistant for the Young Leaders of the Americas Intiative. 

Originally from Harare Zimbabwe, home to one of the seven natural wonders of the world, the Victoria Falls (Mosi-oa-Tunya in the local language) meaning “The Smoke That Thunders," she moved to Nebraska for graduate school in 2021. She received a Master of Arts Degree in Educational Administration with a Student Affairs specialization from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln in May 2023. She considers herself a lifelong learner and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing Management and Entrepreneurship as well as a Technical and Vocational Education Diploma, both from Zimbabwe. Trish's graduate school experience at UNL was her study abroad experience and she had such a great time that her wish is for every student to have at least one study abroad experience in their college career! Trish believes that travel is a great way to open yourself to new cultures, languages, and perspectives. Trish recommends that every student has a global experience (even local) because it will benefit them so much throughout their life as they enter a diverse and constantly changing workforce, no matter where they choose to work or what they choose to do.

She is a native Shona speaker and is learning to speak Spanish.

Contact Trish about:

  • (For students) exploring CASNR faculty-led  abroad options including study, internships, volunteering, research, or service-learning
  • (For students) scholarships, financial aid and/or lower cost education abroad options
  • (For faculty) logistical, financial, or marketing-related details relating to current faculty-led study abroad programs
  • (For faculty) assistance in strategizing new global learning opportunities for students

Contact Patricia