Do you know that the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR) has a number of globally-focused staff members and student staff that advance our triparite mission? In this series, we'll be introducing you to these individuals and exploring how they engage with and support the students, faculty, staff and partners in IANR. The next in this series is Liana Calegare, global programs manager for the Agricultural Research Division.
By Divine Mbabazi, CASNR Global Ambassador
A little bit about Liana:
I am originally from Brazil and first came to the U.S. in 2007 for a Ph.D. sandwich program at the USDA ARS US Meat Animal Research Center, in Clay Center, Nebraska. I am a veterinarian by training with a Master and Ph.D. in Animal Science, researching cow/calf efficiency. Even though what brought me to Nebraska in 2007 was my professional development, I also ended up meeting my future spouse. Then in 2010, after working for a couple of years in the animal feed industry in Brazil, I returned to Nebraska. In January of 2012, I was invited to join UNL and be the liaison for a government-funded program that would end up bringing more than 300 undergraduate Brazilian students for a one-year program at UNL from 2012 to 2015. When the Office of Global Engagement was created in October of 2012, I joined it and I am here ever since.
What is your role/ portfolio of work?
I see my role as being responsible for engaging multidisciplinary teams, building partnerships, and fostering collaborations within IANR, UNL, the U.S., and then globally with the goal of supporting IANR strategies to achieve research excellence. I do this by coordinating a variety of capacity-building programs and connecting IANR faculty to extramural funding opportunities for international collaboration.
What got you interested in global education or global affairs?
Basically, my training in research got me started in international engagement as a natural aspect of collaboration in science. Once in Nebraska, my background and personal experience placed me in the path to join IANR and help lead its efforts in the development of an international strategy for research and education.
Why do you think global learning is important for students at UNL, the U.S., or more broadly?
The world is so interconnected that seems foolish to believe that learning about and experiencing only what one unique region represents will prepare you for the grand challenges we are encountering as a society. Besides, we are better and more creative when we think and act together. People from different backgrounds, bring unique experiences to the table, and when we approach a problem with different views we innovate.
What is one accomplishment that you’re most proud of over the course of your work?
I am pleased that my work over the past almost 10 years now, has been appreciated by those that I am here to serve, the IANR faculty. I feel they trust my abilities and they are always willing to support my efforts to prepare a new proposal, host one more group of fellows, and develop one more program. knowing I can count on their expertise as needed is my main accomplishment because it means they see the return.
Stay tuned for our next feature on Sylvana Airan, program coordinator for the Rwandan Scholars Program.