Global Learning Hub Announces Spring 2022 Programming

Submitted by David Houfek on Tue, 01/07/2025 - 19:25

The CASNR Global Learning Hub is excited to announce another semester of globally-themed programming for students, faculty, staff and the broader IANR community in Spring 2022. With a focus on a broader definition of what a “global” experience means, the events and opportunities will include a mix of physical travel, virtual events and in-person interactive programming.

February’s events will focus on three unique and accessible international learning opportunities for students through the Global Opportunity ExploreFest week, taking place February 14-18. While the CASNR faculty-led programs that take place in summer and winter breaks are excellent, it's also important to highlight different opportunities that will suit the needs and capacities of students across CASNR and the Institute, with three information sessions to help students explore summer 2022 possibilities.

  • February 14: CASNR will host a session about an exciting in-person learning and development opportunity in Brazil with our partner institution, University of São Paolo ESALQ. Students can participate in their free Summer School program focused on tropical biobased production systems from July 25th to August 5th. The program itself is free of charge (students pay airfare, plus economical room/board) and students can gain academic credit from the coursework completed there. Register to attend the information session here.
  • February 17: During the campus career fair focused on agriculture and natural resource-oriented jobs, students are encouraged to seek out Alan Lambert, of the International Youth Farm Exchange (IFYE) and program alumna Barb Batie, who will be hosting a booth to build awareness of this exciting global development opportunity. Current students or recent graduates can apply for summer 2023 to spend 2-, 3- or 6- months experiencing life alongside real farm families in several countries per program. Alan will also be available for in-person questions after the fair in the CASNR Global Learning Hub (Agriculture Hall 202, East Campus) from 4-5 p.m.
  • February 18 and 23: Future Food Academy Bootcamp (both digital and in-person opportunities). These experiences, faciliated by our partners in Italy, identify, train, and engage “Climate Shapers,” bringing together change-makers from around the world to co-design tangible strategies and innovations accelerating action on climate and the SDGs and facilitating societal transition toward the sustainable development framework.  Participants meet expert innovators and get a view of the future with new sustainable and nutritious agri-food models. Leveraging experiential learning methods, they include interactive workshops and integrate participants with local communities, using a design- and prosperity-thinking approach. Attend the info session to learn about the three opportunities for 2022: a digital bootcamp from May 20-June 19, a one week in-person bootcamp in Iceland in August, or a two-week bootcamp in Italy in September (all eligible to obtain UNL academic credit). Internships (remote-based or in-person) to extend after the bootcamp dates are also possible and will be discussed during the session.  

March will bring a number of exciting professional and learning opportunities not only for students, but for the wider IANR community.

  • Week of February 28-March 4: SDGs Action and Awareness Week. Nebraska is proud to be part of a diverse group of institutions in the University Global Coalition working to help bring awareness to what our community is doing to advance the sustainable development goals and how people can get more involved. Hear from students participating in the inaugural Sustainable Development Goals Scholars group and learn how you can be involved and pursue your own SDG-related badge. Follow our Twitter account for more, and contact Brianne to be notified of the SDG Scholars program coffee chat that week. 
  • March 3: CASNR will partner with the Department of Modern Languages to host an interdisciplinary panel exploring the many complexities at the intersection of climate change and migration. Panelists will include Tsegaye Tadesse, climatologist and associate professor with the School of Natural Resources and the National Drought Mitigation Center, Julia Frengs, Associate Professor of French, who focuses her teaching and research in the French-speaking world and looks at social-linguistic dynamics of climate and the environment, and others.
  • March 7: The World Food Prize Youth Institute is a one-day event on Monday, March 7, 2022 where high school students from across the state come to CASNR to explore the complex issue of global food security. CASNR undergraduate students have historically participated as group leaders for the event.  The role of the group leader is to create a welcoming and inclusive environment among group members, facilitate discussions around food security, and to guide students between activities throughout the day. Interested in finding another way to be part of the days events? Contact Rennee Donner.
  • March 10-13: Nebraska students are encouraged to register for and virtually attend the International Conference for Youth in Agriculture, put on by the International Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences (IAAS), of which the university is a member. While the in-person part of the conference will take place in Bonn, Germany, students can attend virtually for free. Gather with youth from all over the world to connect, exchange ideas, be inspired by one another and learn from the many speakers and virtual tours conducted during the conference’s agenda.
  • March 24: Drop-In Language Café: Swahilli.  Are you a Swahili speaker looking for an opportunity to practice speaking about your studies, research or work across the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources in your language? Maybe you plan to do research or travel to a Swahili-speaking country and you'd like to develop your language skills? CASNR welcomes you to the Global Learning Hub Language Café! Speakers of all levels are invited - from beginner to fluent - to visit the Global Learning Hub (Ag Hall 202) and meet other language enthusiasts. Stop by, grab a coffee, tea + treats, network with others on campus, and practice your language skills! Contact Brianne with questions. 

April’s events will again be geared at both students and the broader IANR and Nebraska community, featuring both in-person and virtual options for language practice, exploring rural-global issues, meeting and interacting with the CASNR Global Hub staff and more.

  • 2022 CASNR Week Events:
  1. April 11: Drop-In Language Café: Spanish. Similar to March’s Swahili Language Café, this event will allow speakers or learners of Spanish to practice their skills in the context of their discipline, network with students, staff and faculty on campus, and enjoy some treats in the CASNR Global Learning Hub space.  Don't speak Spanish but curious about global opportunities? Stop by anyway to chat with the global staff. You might even leave with a few extra words en español. 
  • April TBD--week of 18-22: Later in the month, the team will bring together voices from several disciplines and life experiences to discuss rural issues in the global context: from entrepreneurship to trade to agribusiness. Panelists will include Laban Njuguna, CEO and Co-Founder of Zabuni Specialty Coffee in Grand Island, Nebraska; Surin Kim, Extension Specialist and Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship with the Department of Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design at UNL, and recent alumnus Sushant Timalsina, Junior Product Manager at AgriRain. Contact Brianne to be notified once the date is finalized. 

“We’re excited to be diving back in to global programming with a wide array of opportunities for our community,” said CASNR Global Learning Coordinator Brianne Wolf.

“These are perfect ways for students to learn, network, and develop professionally to be successful in our interconnected world.”

For questions about any of the events, or to be notified of registration access for tentatively scheduled programming, please contact Brianne Wolf.

This iconic quote from Nebraska's own Clayton Yeutter encapsulates the value of global learning for student success.