CASNR helps students explore impactful careers for #GreenCareerWeek and SDG Week

With two weeklong observances happening domestically and internationally, Green Career Week and Sustainable Development Goals Action and Awareness Week, the CASNR Global Learning Hub is excited to bring fascinating career perspectives to students.

For SDG Action and Awareness Week, join the Hub online for one or all three live “expert” sessions hearing from local and global professionals making impact towards global challenges.

Monday, March 4 at 12:00 p.m. Our first featured local SDG expert will be Natalie Sehi, Extension Educator for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln working with the Nutrition Education Program (NEP). This includes Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed) and Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP). She will share about her career path and her current work with Extension helping to ensure food and nutrition security for Nebraskans. Register here

Tuesday, March 5 at 11:00 a.m. The next featured global SDG expert is Florencio Venté Coha, Co-Director of MGCY Migration / MYCP, a self-organized space empowering children and youth to contribute to and engage in intergovernmental and allied policy processes at the United Nations. Founder of Glocals, a community that promotes the cultural, social and economic integration between migrants and local people to confront the issues of discrimination. Register here.

Wednesday, March 6 at 9:00 a.m. Our final global SDG expert will be Bevon Charles of Grenada: CEO/Founder of Akata Farms, agriprenuer-farmer, sustainable development advocate, creative, youth leader, innovator, and techprenuer. She also was a former Nebraska Young Leaders of the Americas Fellow in 2019. Register here.

Want to add experts like this to your professional network, gain knowledge, skills around global challenges and earn a badge? Join our SDG Scholar Program information session on March 6 at noon here.

Get inspired by amazing CASNR alumni in exciting careers around the U.S. and world for #GreenCareerWeek!

Follow @IANRGlobal on socials (Instagram and X/Twitter) all week to hear from incredible international Husker graduates now in exciting Green Careers across agriculture, food science, technology and more in the U.S., Chile, the Philippines and Mexico across government and business. Featured alumni include: Dr. Angela Bastidas at Syngenta Mexico; Dr. Jorge Venegas at Pairwise Latin America (U.S.); Raissa Urujeni at the Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute in Rwanda; Constanza Avello Lefno at La Agencia Chilena para la Inocuidad y Calidad Alimentaria, ACHIPIA (Chilean Agency for Food Quality & Safety); Dr. Heena Puri at Impetus Agriculture (U.S.); Dr. Deborah Montezano at Corteva (U.S.) and Leslie Cancio at the Department of Science and Technology XI- PSTC Davao del Sur (Phillipines).

For more information or how to get involved with CASNR's participation in #GreenCareerWeek, contact Tammy Mittelstet

