CASNR Faculty hoping to lead an education abroad program in spring/summer 2023 or winter 2024:
The CASNR global strategies team (Brianne Wolf, Larkin Powell, Tiffany Heng-Moss) asks that in order to have sufficient time for the program to be evaluated and approved, you please submit a note of interest by Friday June 3 (EOD), 20222. This will also allow prep, marketing and recruitment for the program to take place in a timely manner to have a sufficiently large student group .
Please include in your note of interest the following:
1. Documentation that your unit leader is supportive of the faculty member developing and offering the program
2. Proposed dates of the program
3. Anticipated learning outcomes
4. Unique value proposition (i.e. what does this program offer CASNR students they cannot get in other faculty led programs inside the college or outside of it, apart from visiting a new country)
5. General description/components of the program with any proposed in-country partners (regions/cities you’ll visit, learning/engagement activities, cultural activities, etc.)
Have some questions you’d like answered before the submission deadline?
Chat/Q&A sessions open to faculty (new leaders or returning) will be on the following days:
-Wednesday, May 25 at noon:
-Tuesday, May 31 at 2pm:
You can also reach out to Brianne ( to ask questions via email or set up a time to discuss your questions before the deadline.
For faculty members currently abroad leading programs, please reach out to Brianne upon your return to submit your proposal for the continuation of your programs.