Valuing diversity. Creating opportunity.
Accelerating inclusion. Fostering belonging.
Maximizing impact.
We value the contributions of each person and strive to make each interaction matter. We are committed to engaging in practices that demonstrate the value of diversity and inclusive excellence.
We recognize that when we value diversity through inclusive practices, the results are creativity, innovation and a sense of belonging. This is precisely what is needed to tackle the grand challenges being addressed in IANR by more than 1,900 faculty and staff and over 3,100 students.
In fulfilling our mission related to teaching and learning, research, and extension, we consider and implement ways to respect and value each person’s background, experience, ability, ideology, culture, and identity. The degree to which we can create a welcoming and inclusive environment is the degree to which we can maximize our impact, both today and into the future.
Our strategic direction leading to increased equity and belongingness is aligned with and contributes to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s N2025 Strategic Plan.
We are actively looking for people who will contribute to the diversity of the IANR community. We strongly encourage applications for faculty, staff, and administrator positions from groups who are underrepresented in the fields and disciplines related to agriculture, natural resources, and the human sciences.
Activities and initiatives in IANR are coordinated with the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion.
We welcome and encourage your ideas, questions and feedback as we work toward a more inclusive, more accessible, and more just IANR.
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