Two powerful signals of our equity mindset and inclusive practices are a) how we search and recruit for vacant faculty and staff positions, and b) who we hire. In striving for inclusive excellence, we have incorporated the following vital behaviors into every faculty and administrative search.

  • We are intentional in choosing people to serve on search advisory committees who have equity and inclusive excellence mindsets. A minimum of three people involved with every search are trained, supported, and completely onboard in striving for equity and inclusive excellence:
    • The person responsible for the hiring decision. This person sets the tone and expectations for inclusive excellence. As the person making the hire, they must have an equity-mindset.
    • The search advisory committee chair. This person is responsible for directing the work of the committee, the flow of information, and the deliberations about candidate materials.
    • Search Advocate. In addition to their regular responsibilities as a member of the search advisory committee, this person has the role of being an advocate for equity and inclusive excellence throughout the search.
  • The hiring official meets with the members of the search advisory committee before the search is launched to issue the charge, which includes the expectations for inclusive excellence and equity-mindedness.
  • IANR’s commitment to nurturing environments where every person and every interaction matters is prominently stated in position announcements for faculty and administrator positions.
  • Search advisory committees must develop a written plan for how they will conduct the search and recruitment mindful of inequities and the strategies associated with inclusive excellence.
  • A Search Advocate is appointed on every search advisory committee.
  • Search Advisory Committees conduct an after-action self-assessment in which they hold themselves accountable for inclusive excellence throughout the search. An After-Action Report is turned in to the hiring official and the IANR Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty and Academic Unit Leader Success.