NU Board of Regents Kudos Award

Scott Kurz
Scott Kurz
Animal Science
2021 KUDOS Award recipient
In recognition of outstanding service to the University of Nebraska About:  The Board of Regents recognizes full-time employees for outstanding service to the University of Nebraska.  The University of Nebraska Kudos award recognizes staff members who demonstrate excellence in their responsibilities and who help elevate the university to higher levels of excellence.  Award recipients are recognized at a Board of Regents meeting and given a monetary award.

Nominees should consistently demonstrate high-quality job performance, project a commitment toward excellence in the quality of daily work, inspire a "teamwork attitude," contribute to high staff morale and use sound judgment in the exercise of duties.

Award: $150

Eligibility: The Board of Regents recognizes full-time employees for outstanding service to the University of Nebraska. Only past IANR Outstanding Employee Award recipients are eligible for nomination.

Awards Home

Nomination Instructions

Full nomination packet should be submitted electronically by Unit Administrator to the IANR Vice Chancellor's office in care of Jessie Brophy at  and include;

  • Letter of recommendation; The nomination packet must include a letter of recommendation from the nominator.  The letter should include a detailed description of the qualities which make your nominee deserving of the award, including specific examples and quotes from colleagues when available. 
  • A current position description; To request a copy of the Position Description, please contact

Nominations can be made by anyone, however, the nomination must be submitted through and approved by the unit administrator. The deadline for nominations for 2024 will be April 15.

  • Submit nomination packet to the unit administrator
  • The administrator is to electronically forward materials, as one pdf document, to the Vice Chancellor's office in care of Jessie Brophy at
  • Each nomination is reviewed annually by IANR Staff Awards Committee
  • Up to two KUDOS Awards will be submitted by IANR to the Board of Regents annually
  • Contact the IANR Vice Chancellor's Office at 402-472-7080 for questions regarding the nomination process

Past Awardees

Kudos Award
YearRecipient Department
June 2023 Brent Johnson Animal Science
June 2022 Michael Bergland-Riese Nebraska Extension
June 2021 Scott Kurz Animal Science
August 2020  Thomas McGargill Animal Science
August 2019 Chris Gengenbach IANR Business and Finance
August 2018  Jeffrey Perkins Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension, and Education Center
May 2017  Marlene Busse  Agronomy and Horticulture 
May 2016  Jeralyn Schluckebier  Natural Resources Business Center 
June 2015  Bobby Skates  West Central Research, Extension, and Education Center
March 2014  Ruby Urban  Greater Nebraska Business Center 
March 2013  Carla Werner  Nebraska Extension 
October 2012  Greg Dorn  Agronomy & Horticulture 
March 2012  Julie Lanxon  Child, Youth & Family 
October 2011  Jeff Bassford  IANR Finance & Personnel 
March 2011  Peggy Jeffries  4-H 
October 2010  Erin Marotz  Animal Science 
October 2009  Jeri Cunningham  Entomology 
March 2009  Brenda Gibson  Agronomy & Horticulture 
April 2008  Stacy Adams  Agronomy & Horticulture 
January 2008  Andy Applegarth  West Central Research, Extension, and Education Center
April 2007  Diane Schroeder  Northeast Research, Extension, and Education Center
2007  Leann Galusha  Biochemistry 
January 2007  Carol Wusk  College of Agricultural Science & Natural Resources 
June 2006  Eileen Curtis  Biological Systems Engineering 
March 2006  Richard Gatch  Panhandle Research, Extension, and Education Center
November 2005  Nancy Rekart  Agricultural Economics 
April 2005  Nancy Wagner  IANR Finance & Personnel 
January 2005  Sherrill Hayes  Agronomy & Horticulture 
October 2004  Ruth Diedrichsen  Animal Science 
August 2004  Kelli Warren  School of Natural Resources 
April 2004  Minnie Stephens  Animal Science 
February 2004  Thomas McAndrew  Agronomy & Horticulture 
December 2003  Allen Specht  Animal Science 
October 2003  Leonard Wit  Agronomy & Horticulture 
April 2003  Clyde Naber  Animal Science 
January 2003  Judy Nelson  IANR Media 
November 2002  Debra DeWald  Animal Science 
February 2002  Belinda Gillam  Biological Systems Engineering 
October 2001  Kim Peterson  NE Rural IN 
July 2001  Terry DeVries  South Central Agricultural Laboratory 
May 2001  Karen Christiansen  Greater Nebraska Business Center 
March 2001  Valerie Egger  FISH/WILD 
November 2000  Glen Slater  South Central Agricultural Laboratory 
June 2000  Rosalee Swartz  Agricultural Economics 
May 1999  Sharon Holman  Panhandle Research, Extension, and Education Center
February 1999  Matt Anderson  Animal Science 
November 1999  Cindy Cammack  College of Agricultural Science & Natural Resources 
August 1999  Pam Holmes  Agricultural Economics 
May 1999  Ruth Miller (Moore)  Agronomy & Horticulture 
February 1999  Marilyn Weidner  Entomology 
December 1998  Deena Skalka  South Central Agricultural Laboratory 
September 1998  Karen Walbridge  LEAD 
May 1998  Susan Brouillette  International Programs 
February 1998  Jeanne Andelt  Nebraska Forest Service 
November 1997  Delton Dovel  Agronomy & Horticulture 
September 1997  Billie Lefholtz  College of Agricultural Science & Natural Resources 
May 1997  Sandy Sterkel  Agricultural Economics 
February 1997  Sheila Kelley  West Central Research, Extension, and Education Center
December 1996  Nelvie Lienemann  Agricultural Research Division 
September 1996  Linda Lehmann  West Central Research, Extension, and Education Center
April 1996  Robert Frerichs  Northeast Research, Extension, and Education Center
February 1996  Murd Holland  IANR Vice Chancellor's Office 
January 1996  Barry Shull  IANR Vice Chancellor's Office 
December 1995  Linda Tempel  Extension 
June 1995  Irvin Schleufer  South Central Agricultural Laboratory 
March 1995  Charlene Wendt  Agronomy & Horticulture 
December 1994  Dwight Burbank  Plant Pathology 
September 1994  Dora Dill  Agricultural Research Division 
June 1994  James Hines  School of Natural Resources 
February 1994  Gerald Echtenkamp  Northeast Research, Extension, and Education Center
December 1993  Rhonda Bordeaux  School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences 
September 1993  Norma Maler  Biological Systems Engineering 
May 1993  Jan Metzger  IANR Vice Chancellor's Office 
March 1993  Patricia Bryant  Agricultural Economics 
January 1993  Donn Ladd  Plant Pathology 
November 1992  Susan Voss  College of Agricultural Science & Natural Resources 
September 1992  Melanie Eirich  IANR Media 
April 1992  Marilyn Miller  Greater Nebraska Business Center 
January 1992  Linda Arnold  IANR Vice Chancellor's Office 
October 1991  Millie Burkum  South Central Research, Extension, and Education Center
May 1991  Vicky Kobes  Animal Science 
February 1991  Sharon Kelly  School of Natural Resources 
November 1990  Joan Frederick  INTSORMIL 
June 1990  Beverly Jordan  Panhandle Research, Extension, and Education Center
March 1990  Daniel Schaaf  West Central Research, Extension, and Education Center
December 1989  Paul Jasa  Biological Systems Engineering 
September 1989  Tim McGill  IANR Media 
May 1989  JoAnn Collins  Agronomy & Horticulture 
December 1988  Luree Wiese  Agronomy & Horticulture 
October 1988  Marvin Anderson  Biological Systems Engineering 
May 1988  Clare Sward  Agronomy & Horticulture 
March 1988  Mary Buell  Agricultural Economics 
December 1987  Mike Carlson  School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences 
September 1987  Cheryl Moncure  Agronomy & Horticulture 
June 1987  Michael Overturf  USMARC 
February 1987  Marvin Fujan  Agronomy & Horticulture 
December 1986  Zim Znamenacek  Food Science and Technology/Food Processing Center 
September 1986  Grace Sobotka  Food Science and Technology/Food Processing Center 
June 1986  Andrew Knepp  Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture 
March 1986  Julie Teeters  Plant Pathology 
January 1986  Elroy Frank  IANR Media 
October 1985  Russell Person  Agronomy & Horticulture 
July 1985  Ron Helsing  Agronomy & Horticulture 
April 1985  Rene Gellatly  IANR Finance & Personnel 
February 1985  Ethel Piersol  Food Science and Technology/Food Processing Center 
September 1984  Diane Mohrhoff  Agricultural Research Division 
April 1984  Margaret Ringstmeyer  Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture 
December 1983  Linda Silvey  USMARC 
October 1983  Robert Russell  Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture 
April 1983  Pat Smith  IANR Finance & Personnel 
January 1983  Maureen Moeglin  Agronomy & Horticulture 
April 1982  Ken Mosher  IANR Media 
December 1981  Kay Klundt  Southeast Research, Extension, and Education Center
July 1981  Charlene Warneke  West Central Research, Extension, and Education Center
May 1980  Rosanna Johnson  IANR Media